Thursday, May 1, 2014

Naimo Bar - Raw

I've noticed that "raw" food desserts are becoming more least here in Oregon. At first I wasn't interested, but overtime and with all the hype, I've become more curious. So, I recently tried a line of "raw" food desserts selling at my local health food store, four to be exact.

The Naimo bar was by far the best "raw" dessert that I tried. As a matter of fact, it might be the best dessert I have ever had. I kid you not. It was like eating an almond joy, taken to the nth degree. I was blown away by the flavor and texture combination. So good!

One small bar cost around $5, which is kind of pricy if you're going to buy the bars regularly. But, I found a recipe online with similar ingredients and am really excited about trying it.

Naimo Bar Raw 

This dessert bar has just the right amount of sweetness.
It has layers of the coconut, almond and chocolate flavors running through it.

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